Shippinglabel API

Welcome to the documentation of our Shippinglabel API.
This guide explains REST request and response mechanics including sample requests and responses. It also provides other information that you'll need as you write applications with the API.

If you have some questions or if you find any errors, please feel free to contact us. If you need assistance with the implementation of the API, then we will of course also be happy to help:

Contact Us

Get Started

The Shippinglabel API follows the REST design, uses the JSON format for reqeusts and reponses and uses standard HTTP response codes.

To make requests to the API, you must create an application on Shippinglabel. There you will receive your ClientID and the ClientSecret, which you need to obtain the access token.


The following API endpoints are available:

URL Application
Sandbox Shippinglabel (dev)
Production Shippinglabel (live)


For the Shippinglabel API we offer the following SKDs:


Sample JSON

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Shippinglabel",
  "amount": 200.48,
  "created": "2022-08-08T11:36:24Z",
  "isDefault": true,
  "string": "",
  "integer": 0,
  "float": 0.0,
  "boolean": false,
  "object": null,
  "array": null

The example above is output as follows

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Shippinglabel",
  "amount": 200.48,
  "created": "2022-08-08T11:36:24Z",
  "isDefault": true
Type Sample Omitted value
string "Shippinglabel" ""
integer 400 0
float 2.45 0
boolean true or false false
datetime "2022-08-08T11:36:24Z" null
object {} null
array [] null


Sample Header

Accept-Language: de

Sample Query Parameter


Error messages and texts in the applications can be output in English or German. Users can select one of the two languages that affects the response body texts in the settings on Shippinglabel. You can also select the language via the Accept-Language header or via the query parameter locale. The available values are en or de.

The language is selected with the following prioritization:

  1. User settings
  2. Query parameter: locale
  3. Header: Accept-Language


Sample Error [400] - Bad Request

  "message": "Bitte wählen Sie ein gültiges Sendungsdatum",
  "code" : "DHL",
  "messages": [
    "Die von Ihnen genannte PLZ ist ungültig",
    "Die von Ihnen genannte Straße ist ungültig"

Sample Error [401] - Unauthorized

  "message": "Authentication failed",
  "code" : "UNAUTHORIZED"

Sample Error [404] - Not Found

  "message": "Path not found",
  "code" : "NOT_FOUND"

Sample Error [500] - Internal Server Error

  "message": "Internal server error",
  "code" : "SERVER_ERROR"

When an error occurs, you receive an 4xx HTTP status code along with a message and error code in the body of the response. The message is issued in the user's preferred language, while the code is designed as machine-readable codes that help applications understand the context of the error. If available, additional error messages are added.


The ErrorModel is output in case of an error.

Field Type Description
message string Main error message
code string Error code. If the code is named after the carrier (e.g DHL), then the error messages come directly from the carrier
messages string[] Further error messages

HTTP Status Codes

After each HTTP Request, there is an HTTP Status Code, which indicates how the request was processed.

Code Text Description
200 OK The request has been successfully processed and the result of the request is transmitted in the response
201 Created The request was processed successfully. The requested resource was created before sending the response
204 No Content The request was successful, but the response does not contain any data
207 Multi-Status The response contains several objects with different status codes
400 Bad Request The request body was constructed incorrectly or the request could not be processed correctly
401 Unauthorized The request cannot be performed without valid authentication
403 Forbidden Authentication was correct, but the requester has no authorization
404 Not Found The requested resource was not found
405 Method Not Allowed The request may only be made using other HTTP methods
500 Internal Server Error Unexpected server error
503 Service Unavailable The server is temporarily unavailable


Sample Authorization Header

Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN

The API use the OAuth2.0 protocol for application and user authorization. Authentication requires a valid access token to be included in the Authorization Header for each request.

The methods for creating access tokens are described below.

Client Credentials

Sample Request [POST] /oauth2/token


Authorization: Basic [encoded string]
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


grant_type: client_credentials

Sample Response [200] - OK

  "accessToken": "ey123testaccesstokenforshippinglabel",
  "expiresIn" : 300,
  "refreshToken": "ey456testrefreshtokenforshippinglabel",
  "refreshTokenExpiresIn" : 600,
  "tokenType": "Bearer"

To get a token via Client Credentials, the HTTP Basic Authorization is required. The username used here is ClientID and the password is ClientSecret. With this method, you must also add the client_credentials grant type in the request body.

Authorization Code

The authorization code grant is used when an application exchanges an authorization code for an access token. After the user returns to the application through the redirect URL, the application obtains the authorization code from the URL and uses it to request an access token. This request is made to the /oauth2/token endpoint.

Get User Permission

Sample Request [GET] /oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=CLIENT_ID&

Sample Response [302] - Found

The user is redirected to Shippinglabel to get the user's authorization

After Authorization [302]

Query parameters

code: e160c27218d571fec79787f63d682663
state: xcoiv33d4yw222vusuye3kch

[GET] /oauth2/authorize

Creates a session and redirects the user to the Shippinglabel application. There the user grants authorization and is connected to the application. After that, the user is redirected to the specified URL with the authorization code.

Query parameters

Field Description
response_type Specifies the response type. For this flow, the value must be code
client_id Your Client ID
redirect_uri The URL to which the server will redirect the browser after the user grants authorization. The authorization code will be available in the URL parameter code
state An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback

Exchange Code for an Access Token

Sample Request [POST] /oauth2/token


Authorization: Basic [encoded string]
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


grant_type: authorization_code
code: e160c27218d571fec79787f63d682663

Sample Response [200] - OK

  "accessToken": "ey123testaccesstokenforshippinglabel",
  "expiresIn" : 300,
  "refreshToken": "ey456testrefreshtokenforshippinglabel",
  "refreshTokenExpiresIn" : 600,
  "tokenType": "Bearer"

After receiving the authorization code, it can be exchanged for an access token. To do this, it is entered in the code field in the body of the request. Also, the grant type authorization_code must be set and as with Client Credentials, HTTP Basic Authorization is required.

Refresh Token

Sample Request [POST] /oauth2/token


Authorization: Basic [encoded string]
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


grant_type: refresh_token
refresh_token: REFRESH_TOKEN

Sample Response [200] - OK

  "accessToken": "ey123testaccesstokenforshippinglabel",
  "expiresIn" : 300,
  "refreshToken": "ey456testrefreshtokenforshippinglabel",
  "refreshTokenExpiresIn" : 600,
  "tokenType": "Bearer"

Refresh tokens are long-lived authentication tokens that can be used to replace expired access tokens without having to use any of the above methods. Refresh tokens are issued when an access token is requested.

When requesting an access token with a refresh token, you must use the refresh_token grant type and specify the refresh token in the body of the request. As with Client Credentials, HTTP Basic Authorization is required.

Generate Access Token

Sample Response [200] - OK

  "accessToken": "ey123testaccesstokenforshippinglabel",
  "expiresIn" : 300,
  "refreshToken": "ey456testrefreshtokenforshippinglabel",
  "refreshTokenExpiresIn" : 600,
  "tokenType": "Bearer"

You can use this path to generate an Access Token using one of the methods mentioned (Client Credentials, Authorization Code or Refresh Token).

[POST] /oauth2/token

Field Type Description
accessToken string Access token
expiresIn integer Specifies the expiration time of the access token in seconds
refreshToken string Refresh token
refreshTokenExpiresIn integer Specifies the expiration time of the refresh token in seconds
tokenType string Specifies the token type (default: Bearer)


Use /parcels to create, update, delete and retrieve predefined parcels.

Parcel Models


Sample ParcelModel

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Small default",
    "description": "Small parcel",
    "weight": 2,
    "length": 40,
    "width": 30,
    "height": 15,
    "reference": "Parcel reference",
    "customFields": {
        "parcelClass": "X"
    "isDefault": true

Contains information about the package size, description and reference needed to create a shipment.

Field Type Required Description
id integer No ID of the parcel. Read only
name string Yes Display name of the parcel
description string Yes* Parcel description
Required for the carrier DHL_EXPRESS
weight float Yes Weight in kg
length float Yes* Length in cm
Required for the carrier DHL_EXPRESS
width float Yes* Width in cm
Required for the carrier DHL_EXPRESS
height float Yes* Height in cm
Required for the carrier DHL_EXPRESS
reference string No The reference is printed on the label
customFields object No Contains specific values for a carrier.
HERMES: You can specify the parcel class with parcelClass: XS,S,M,L,X,XL
isDefault boolean No Specifies the default parcel

List Parcels

Sample Request [GET] /parcels

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "id": 1,
        "name": "Small default",
        "description": "Small parcel",
        "weight": 2,
        "length": 40,
        "width": 30,
        "height": 15,
        "isDefault": true
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Large",
        "description": "Large parcel",
        "weight": 20,
        "length": 60,
        "width": 40,
        "height": 40,

[GET] /parcels

Returns all available user parcels.

Create Parcel

Sample Request [POST] /parcels

    "name": "Small default",
    "description": "Small parcel",
    "weight": 2,
    "length": 40,
    "width": 30,
    "height": 15,
    "isDefault": true

Sample Response [201] - Created

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Small default",
    "description": "Small parcel",
    "weight": 2,
    "length": 40,
    "width": 30,
    "height": 15,
    "isDefault": true

[POST] /parcels

Creates a parcel.

Get Parcel

Sample Request [GET] /parcels/1

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Small default",
    "description": "Small parcel",
    "weight": 2,
    "length": 40,
    "width": 30,
    "height": 15,
    "isDefault": true

[GET] /parcels/{parcelId}

Shows details for a parcel.

Update Parcel

Sample Request [PUT] /parcels/1

    "name": "Small default",
    "description": "Small parcel",
    "weight": 2,
    "length": 40,
    "width": 30,
    "height": 15,
    "isDefault": true

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[PUT] /parcels/{parcelId}

Updates a parcel.

Delete Parcel

Sample Request [DELETE] /parcels/1

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[DELETE] /parcels/{parcelId}

Deletes a parcel.


Use /addresses to create, update, delete and retrieve shipment addresses.

Address Models


Sample AddressModel

    "id": 1,
    "company": "Shippinglabel",
    "firstName": "Shipping",
    "lastName": "Label",
    "street": "Maarweg",
    "streetNumber": "62",
    "addressAddition": "Apartment 123",
    "postalCode": "50933",
    "city": "Köln",
    "country": "DE",
    "state": "NRW",
    "phone": "22112345678",
    "mail": "",
    "vatNumber": "DE1234423432",
    "addressType": "SHIPPING"

Contains address data, which is needed for the management of shipments.

Field Type Required Description
id integer No ID of the address. Read only
company string Yes* company, firstName or lastName must be set.
Required for the carrier DHL_EXPRESS
firstName string Yes* company, firstName or lastName must be set.
Required For the carrier DHL_EXPRESS
lastName string Yes* company, firstName or lastName must be set
street string Yes* Can be ignored if the service SHOP_DELIVERY and carrier DHL has been selected
streetNumber string Yes* Can be ignored if the service SHOP_DELIVERY and carrier DHL has been selected
addressAddition string No
postalCode string Yes
city string Yes
country CountryCode Yes ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
state string No
mail string No
phone string Yes* Required for the carrier DHL_EXPRESS
vatNumber string No
addressType AddressTypeCode Yes Specifies the address type


The AddressTypeCode is an enum and specifies the address type.

Value Description
SHIPPING This value indicates that this is a shipping address
RETURN This value indicates that this is an address for returns

List Addresses

Sample Request [GET] /addresses

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "id": 1,
        "firstName": "Shipping",
        "lastName": "Label",
        "street": "Maarweg",
        "streetNumber": "62",
        "postalCode": "50933",
        "city": "Köln",
        "country": "DE",
        "state": "NRW",
        "phone": "22112345678",
        "mail": "",
        "addressType": "SHIPPING"
        "id": 2,
        "company": "Shippinglabel",
        "street": "Maarweg",
        "streetNumber": "62",
        "postalCode": "50933",
        "city": "Köln",
        "country": "DE",
        "state": "NRW",
        "phone": "22112345678",
        "mail": "",
        "addressType": "RETURN"

[GET] /addresses

Returns all available addresses.

Create Address

Sample Request [POST] /addresses

    "firstName": "Shipping",
    "lastName": "Label",
    "street": "Maarweg",
    "streetNumber": "62",
    "postalCode": "50933",
    "city": "Köln",
    "country": "DE",
    "state": "NRW",
    "phone": "22112345678",
    "mail": "",
    "addressType": "SHIPPING"

Sample Response [201] - Created

    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Shipping",
    "lastName": "Label",
    "street": "Maarweg",
    "streetNumber": "62",
    "postalCode": "50933",
    "city": "Köln",
    "country": "DE",
    "state": "NRW",
    "phone": "22112345678",
    "mail": "",
    "addressType": "SHIPPING"

[POST] /addresses

Creates an address.

Get Address

Sample Request [GET] /addresses/1

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "Shipping",
    "lastName": "Label",
    "street": "Maarweg",
    "streetNumber": "62",
    "postalCode": "50933",
    "city": "Köln",
    "country": "DE",
    "state": "NRW",
    "phone": "22112345678",
    "mail": "",
    "addressType": "SHIPPING"

[GET] /addresses/{addressId}

Shows details of an address.

Update Address

Sample Request [PUT] /addresses/1

    "firstName": "Shipping",
    "lastName": "Label",
    "street": "Maarweg",
    "streetNumber": "62",
    "postalCode": "50933",
    "city": "Köln",
    "country": "DE",
    "state": "NRW",
    "phone": "22112345678",
    "vatNumber": "DE123456789",
    "mail": "",
    "addressType": "SHIPPING"

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[PUT] /addresses/{addressId}

Updates an address.

Delete Address

Sample Request [DELETE] /addresses/1

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[DELETE] /addresses/{addressId}

Deletes an address.


Use /metadata to retrieve data from carriers, products and label formats.

Metadata Models


Sample CarrierMetadataModel

    "carrierCode": "DP",
    "name": "Deutsche Post",
    "products": [
            "product": "1",
            "name": "Standardbrief",
            "annotation": "Die Länge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.",
            "price": 0.85,
            "isInternational": true,
            "minWeight": 1,
            "maxWeight": 20,
            "minLength": 140,
            "maxLength": 235,
            "minWidth": 90,
            "maxWidth": 125,
            "minHeight": 5,
            "maxHeight": 5
    "labelFormats": [
            "labelFormat": "1",
            "name": "DIN A4 Normalpapier",
            "hasAddressField": true,
            "labelCountX": 2,
            "labelCountY": 5

Contains information about the package size, description and reference needed to create a shipment.

Field Type Description
carrierCode CarrierCode Carrier
name string Display name of the carrier
products ProductModel[] Available products
labelFormats LabelFormatModel[] Available label formats


Model that contains the data of a carrier product.

Field Type Carrier Description
product string DHL, DP, DPD, GLS, UPS, HERMES, POST_AT, DHL_EXPRESS Value for the selection of the product in the shipment
name string DHL, DP, DPD, GLS, UPS, HERMES, POST_AT, DHL_EXPRESS Display name of product
annotation string DP Additional details about the product
price float DP Specifies the cost of the product, which will be charged when a label is created
isInternational boolean DP Indicates whether the product is for international shipping
minWeight integer DP Min weight of the product
maxWeight integer DP Max weight of the product
minLength integer DP Min length of the product
maxLength integer DP Max length of the product
minWidth integer DP Min width of the product
maxWidth integer DP Max width of the product
minHeight integer DP Min height of the product
maxHeight integer DP Max height of the product


Model that contains the data of a carrier label format.

Field Type Carrier Description
labelFormat string DHL, DP, DPD, GLS, UPS, HERMES, POST_AT, DHL_EXPRESS Value, which is required for the selection in the shipment
name string DHL, DP, DPD, GLS, UPS, HERMES, POST_AT, DHL_EXPRESS Display name of the label format
hasAddressField boolean DP If true, the label shows an address field
labelCountX integer DP Number of labels (horizontal)
labelCountY integer DP Number of labels (vertical)

List All

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "carrierCode": "DHL",
        "name": "DHL",
        "products": [
                "product": "V01PAK",
                "name": "DE - Paket National"
        "labelFormats": [
                "labelFormat": "910-300-300",
                "name": "Common Label Laserdruck (Bogen A5) 105x148mm (910-300-300)"
        "carrierCode": "DP",
        "name": "Deutsche Post",
        "products": [
                "product": "1",
                "name": "Standardbrief",
                "annotation": "Die Länge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.",
                "price": 0.85,
                "maxWeight": 20,
                "minLength": 140,
                "maxLength": 235,
                "minWidth": 90,
                "maxWidth": 125,
                "maxHeight": 5
        "labelFormats": [
                "labelFormat": "1",
                "name": "DIN A4 Normalpapier",
                "hasAddressField": true,
                "labelCountX": 2,
                "labelCountY": 5
        "carrierCode": "DPD",
        "name": "DPD",
        "products": [
                "product": "Classic",
                "name": "Classic"
        "labelFormats": [
                "labelFormat": "PDF_A4",
                "name": "PDF_A4"
        "carrierCode": "GLS",
        "name": "GLS"
        "carrierCode": "UPS",
        "name": "UPS"
        "carrierCode": "HERMES",
        "name": "Hermes"
        "carrierCode": "POST_AT",
        "name": "Österreichische Post"
        "carrierCode": "DHL_EXPRESS",
        "name": "DHL Express"

[GET] /metadata/carriers

Returns all available carriers including metadata.

DHL Metadata

List DHL Products

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/dhl/products

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "product": "V01PAK",
        "name": "DE - Paket National"
        "product": "V01PRIO",
        "name": "DE - Paket Prio"

[GET] /metadata/carriers/dhl/products

Returns all DHL products.

List DHL Label Formats

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/dhl/formats

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "labelFormat": "910-300-300",
        "name": "Common Label Laserdruck (Bogen A5) 105x148mm (910-300-300)"
        "labelFormat": "910-300-300-oz",
        "name": "Common Label Laserdruck (Bogen A5) 105x148mm (910-300-300) ohne Zusatzetiketten"

[GET] /metadata/carriers/dhl/formats

Returns all DHL label formats.

DP Metadata

List DP Products

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/dp/products

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "product": "1",
        "name": "Standardbrief",
        "annotation": "Die Länge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.",
        "price": 0.85,
        "minWeight": 2,
        "maxWeight": 20,
        "minLength": 140,
        "maxLength": 235,
        "minWidth": 90,
        "maxWidth": 125,
        "minHeight": 1,
        "maxHeight": 5
        "product": "10001",
        "name": "Standardbrief Intern. GK",
        "annotation": "Die Länge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.",
        "price": 1.1,
        "isInternational": true,
        "maxWeight": 20,
        "minLength": 140,
        "maxLength": 235,
        "minWidth": 90,
        "maxWidth": 125,
        "maxHeight": 5

[GET] /metadata/carriers/dp/products

Returns all Deutsche Post (DP) products.

List DP Label Formats

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/dp/formats

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "labelFormat": "1",
        "name": "DIN A4 Normalpapier",
        "hasAddressField": true,
        "labelCountX": 2,
        "labelCountY": 5
        "labelFormat": "2",
        "name": "Brief B5 176 x 250",
        "hasAddressField": true,
        "labelCountX": 1,
        "labelCountY": 1

[GET] /metadata/carriers/dp/formats

Returns all Deutsche Post (DP) label formats.

DPD Metadata

List DPD Products

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/dpd/products

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "product": "Classic",
        "name": "Classic"

[GET] /metadata/carriers/dpd/products

Returns all DPD products.

List DPD Label Formats

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/dpd/formats

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "labelFormat": "PDF_A4",
        "name": "PDF_A4"
        "labelFormat": "PDF_A6",
        "name": "PDF_A6"

[GET] /metadata/carriers/dpd/formats

Returns all DPD label formats.

GLS Metadata

List GLS Products

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/gls/products

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "product": "PARCEL",
        "name": "Parcel"
        "product": "EXPRESS",
        "name": "Express"

[GET] /metadata/carriers/gls/products

Returns all GLS products.

List GLS Label Formats

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/gls/formats

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "labelFormat": "PDF",
        "name": "PDF"

[GET] /metadata/carriers/gls/formats

Returns all GLS label formats.

HERMES Metadata

List Hermes Products

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/hermes/products

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "product": "PARCEL",
        "name": "Parcel"
        "product": "LARGE_ITEM",
        "name": "Large item"

[GET] /metadata/carriers/hermes/products

Returns all Hermes products.

List Hermes Label Formats

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/hermes/formats

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "labelFormat": "PDF",
        "name": "PDF"

[GET] /metadata/carriers/hermes/formats

Returns all Hermes label formats.

UPS Metadata

List UPS Products

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/ups/products

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "product": "11",
        "name": "UPS Standard"
        "product": "07",
        "name": "UPS Express"
        "product": "74",
        "name": "UPS Express 12:00"

[GET] /metadata/carriers/ups/products

Returns all UPS products.

List UPS Label Formats

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/ups/formats

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "labelFormat": "PDF",
        "name": "PDF"

[GET] /metadata/carriers/ups/formats

Returns all UPS label formats.

POST_AT Metadata

List POST_AT Products

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/post-at/products

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "product": "10",
        "name": "Paket Österreich"
        "product": "45",
        "name": "Paket Premium International"

[GET] /metadata/carriers/post-at/products

Returns all Österreichische Post (POST_AT) products.

List POST_AT Label Formats

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/post-at/formats

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "labelFormat": "A5",
        "name": "A5"
        "labelFormat": "A4",
        "name": "A4"
        "labelFormat": "2xA5inA4",
        "name": "2 x A5 auf A4"

[GET] /metadata/carriers/post-at/formats

Returns all Österreichische Post (POST_AT) label formats.


List DHL_EXPRESS Products

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/dhl-express/products

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "product": "N",
        "name": "EXPRESS DOMESTIC"
        "product": "I",
        "name": "EXPRESS DOMESTIC 9:00"

Sample Request [GET] /metadata/carriers/dhl-express/formats

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "labelFormat": "PDF",
        "name": "PDF"

[GET] /metadata/carriers/dhl-express/products

Returns all DHL Express products.

List DHL_EXPRESS Label Formats

[GET] /metadata/carriers/dhl-express/formats

Returns all DHL Express label formats.


Use /carriers to create, update, delete and retrieve shipment carriers.

Carrier Models


Sample CarrierModel

    "carrierCode": "DHL",
    "name": "DHL",
    "isDefault": true,
    "created": "2022-11-03T16:35:11Z",
    "username": "DHL_USERNAME",
    "userSecret": "DHL_PASSWORD",
    "product": "V01PAK",
    "labelFormat": "910-300-300",
    "services": [
            "service": "PREFERRED_LOCATION",
            "parameters": {
                "value": "Garage"
    "parameters": {
        "ekp": "2222222222",
        "products": [
                "id": 1,
                "product": "V01PAK",
                "userParticipation": "01",
                "preferredNeighbour": true,
                "preferredLocation": true,
                "visualCheckOfAge": true,
                "namedPersonOnly": true,
                "identCheck": true,
                "preferredDay": true,
                "noNeighbourDelivery": true,
                "additionalInsurance": true,
                "bulkyGoods": true,
                "cashOnDelivery": true,
                "packagingReturn": true,
                "parcelOutletRouting": true

The CarrierModel contains all data for a shipping carrier. Depending on the selection of the carrier, the entries are specified.

Field Type Required Description
carrierCode CarrierCode Yes Selected carrier
name string No Display name of the carrier. Read only
isDefault boolean No Specifies the default carrier
created datetime No Read only
username string Yes* Username of the carrier service
Required in /carriers
userSecret string Yes* Secret of the carrier service
Required in /carriers
product string Yes* Selected product
Used in /carriers to set the default product
Required in /shipments if no default product has been created
labelFormat string Yes* Selected label format
Used in /carriers to set the default format
Required in /shipments if no default format has been created
services CarrierServiceModel[] No Additional carrier services
Used in /shipments
parameters object Yes* Contains specific values for the carrier. For example, the value EKP for DHL. Depending on the carrier, different values are expected


The CarrierCode is an enum and specifies the shipping carrier.

Value Description
DHL This value indicates the carrier DHL
DP This value indicates the carrier Deutsche Post
DPD This value indicates the carrier DPD
GLS This value indicates the carrier GLS
HERMES This value indicates the carrier Hermes
UPS This value indicates the carrier UPS
POST_AT This value indicates the carrier Österreichische Post
DHL_EXPRESS This value indicates the carrier DHL Express


Used to add additional Services in a shipment. Depending on which service is selected, further information is mandatory.

Field Type Required Description
service CarrierServiceCode Yes Selected carrier service
parameters object *Yes Mandatory depending on carrier and service


The CarrierServiceCode is an enum and determines additional services offered by the carrier.

Value Description
PREFERRED_NEIGHBOUR Your customers can specify a neighbor in their immediate vicinity. If the recipient is not at home at the time of delivery, the delivery agent attempts to deliver to this designated neighbor.
PREFERRED_LOCATION Your customers specify a drop-off location on their premises (such as the garage) at which the shipment can be deposited.
VISUAL_CHECK_OF_AGE Special care must be taken when sending adult-only goods (for example alcohol, tobacco products or media with a 16/18 age rating).
NAMED_PERSON_ONLY Gifts, health products or erotic items: Some purchases call for particular discretion. "Named Person Only" service is an easy and cost-effective way to make sure your parcels are only released to the recipient in person.
IDENT_CHECK For certain product groups such as high-value goods, it is extremely important that they are delivered to your customers in person. Use the Ident-Check service to make sure your parcels are only released to the recipient in person - after proof of identity and (where relevant) age are checked and documented.
PREFERRED_DAY Service preferred day.
NO_NEIGHBOUR_DELIVERY Protect your customers' privacy and deactivate delivery to neighbors in the case of sensitive shipment content such as adult entertainment or hygiene articles.
ADDITIONAL_INSURANCE Use supplementary transport insurance to protect parcels with valuable contents. AdditionalInsuranceAmount enables you to insure your parcels against damage and loss beyond the EUR 500 liability cap - up to a maximum amount of EUR 25,000.
BULKY_GOODS The bulky goods service makes it possible for business customers to send merchandise that does not conform to standard dimensions or has an unusual format, special packaging features or uses certain packaging materials. Items are processed individually to ensure your parcels are transported quickly and securely to their recipient.
CASH_ON_DELIVERY With the Cash on delivery service, the parcel is only handed over to the customer once the outstanding sum has been paid. This means that, as the sender, you can be certain that you will get your money. The cash on delivery sum received will be transferred to your specified account.
PACKAGING_RETURN Service for package return. For packagingReturn you also have to book a return label.
PARCEL_OUTLET_ROUTING Undeliverable domestic shipment can be forwarded and held at retail store. Details can be an email-address, if not set receiver email will be used.
FLEX_DELIVERY A service to offer recipients different delivery options
NEXT_DAY Guaranteed delivery in the next working day
SHOP_RETURN Service so that the customer can return the package to the shop
SHOP_DELIVERY Parcel delivery to the carrier shop
IDENT_PIN The recipient only receives the parcel after successfully entering the PIN
SATURDAY_DELIVERY Permits delivery on a Saturday
NO_SHIPMENT_REDIRECTION No forwarding of the parcel to a shop if the parcel could not be delivered
NO_SHOP_AUTHORIZATION Exclusion of authorization to pickup an order at a parcel shop
HAZARDOUS_GOODS Dangerous goods declaration service
FRAGILE Marks the parcel as fragile
PREMIUM The parcel is prioritised and always transported by the fastest route
PICKUP The parcel is collected by the carrier
SIGNATURE Signature on delivery


Contains important information of the user, which is necessary for the use of a DHL product. If the user does not have this information, he cannot use the products. In addition, he can specify which DHL services are activated for him. This model is used in the CarrierModel for the value parameters.

Field Type Required Description
id integer No Product ID. Ready only
product string Yes Specifies the DHL product
userParticipation string Yes This value is required for the DHL account number. The account number is composed of your EKP, the procedure and the participation
procedure string No This value is required for the DHL account number. The account number is composed of your EKP, the procedure and the participation

List Carriers

Sample Request [GET] /carriers

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "carrierCode": "DHL",
        "name": "DHL",
        "isDefault": true,
        "product": "V01PAK",
        "labelFormat": "910-300-300",
        "created": "2022-10-17T12:58:11Z"
        "carrierCode": "DP",
        "name": "Deutsche Post",
        "product": "1",
        "labelFormat": "1",
        "created": "2022-11-03T16:35:11Z"
        "carrierCode": "DPD",
        "name": "DPD",
        "product": "Classic",
        "labelFormat": "PDF_A4",
        "created": "2022-11-08T00:00:00Z"
        "carrierCode": "GLS",
        "name": "GLS",
        "product": "PARCEL",
        "labelFormat": "PDF",
        "created": "2022-11-08T00:00:00Z"
        "carrierCode": "HERMES",
        "name": "Hermes",
        "product": "PARCEL",
        "labelFormat": "PDF",
        "created": "2022-11-08T00:00:00Z"
        "carrierCode": "UPS",
        "name": "UPS",
        "product": "11",
        "labelFormat": "PDF",
        "created": "2022-11-08T00:00:00Z"
        "carrierCode": "POST_AT",
        "name": "Österreichische Post",
        "product": "10",
        "labelFormat": "A5",
        "created": "2022-11-08T00:00:00Z"
        "carrierCode": "DHL_EXPRESS",
        "name": "DHL Express",
        "product": "T",
        "labelFormat": "PDF",
        "created": "2022-11-08T00:00:00Z"

[GET] /carriers

Returns all carriers created by the user.

Create Carrier

[POST] /carriers

Creates a carrier.


Sample DHL Request [POST] /carriers

    "carrierCode": "DHL",
    "username": "DHL_USERNAME",
    "userSecret": "DHL_PASSWORD",
    "product": "V01PAK",
    "labelFormat": "910-300-300",
    "parameters": {
        "ekp": "2222222222",
        "senderReference": "ShipperWithLogo",
        "products": [
                "product": "V01PAK",
                "userParticipation": "01"

Sample DP Request [POST] /carriers

    "carrierCode": "DP",
    "username": "DP_USERNAME",
    "userSecret": "DP_PASSWORD",
    "product": "1",
    "labelFormat": "1"

Sample DPD Request [POST] /carriers

    "carrierCode": "DPD",
    "username": "DPD_USERNAME",
    "userSecret": "DPD_PASSWORD",
    "product": "Classic",
    "labelFormat": "PDF_A4"

Sample GLS Request [POST] /carriers

    "carrierCode": "GLS",
    "username": "GLS_USERNAME",
    "userSecret": "GLS_PASSWORD",
    "product": "PARCEL",
    "labelFormat": "PDF",
    "parameters": {
        "contactId": "12345678",
        "serviceUrl": ""

Sample POST_AT Request [POST] /carriers

    "carrierCode": "POST_AT",
    "username": "POST_ORG_UNIT_ID",
    "userSecret": "POST_ORG_UNIT_GUID",
    "product": "10",
    "labelFormat": "A5",
    "parameters": {
        "clientId": "POST_CLIENT_ID",

Sample DHL_EXPRESS Request [POST] /carriers

    "carrierCode": "DHL_EXPRESS",
    "username": "DHL_EXPRESS_USER_NAME",
    "userSecret": "DHL_EXPRESS_PASSWORD",
    "product": "T",
    "labelFormat": "PDF",
    "parameters": {
        "accountNumber": "123456789",

Sample Response [201] - Created

    "carrierCode": "DHL",
    "name": "DPD",
    "product": "V01PAK",
    "labelFormat": "910-300-300",
    "created": "2022-11-08T00:00:00Z"

In addition to the input fields of the CarrierModel, the following values can be set in the parameters field for the carrier DHL.

Field Type Required Description
ekp string Yes The EKP is a DHL customer number and consists of 10 characters
senderReference string No When entering the value, the sender address stored in DHL is selected. This value must correspond exactly to the "sender reference" value from DHL
products DHLProductModel[] No Array of DHL service products


No further entries in the parameters field necessary.


No further entries in the parameters field necessary.


In addition to the input fields of the CarrierModel, the following values can be set in the parameters field for the carrier GLS.

Field Type Required Description
contactId string Yes Your shipper ID, which is assigned by GLS
serviceUrl string Yes Your assigned API endpoint from GLS




In addition to the input fields of the CarrierModel, the following values can be set in the parameters field for the carrier POST_AT.

Field Type Required Description
clientId string Yes Your client id which you have received from the Post AT for the web service


In addition to the input fields of the CarrierModel, the following values can be set in the parameters field for the carrier DHL_EXPRESS.

Field Type Required Description
accountNumber string Yes Your DHL Express account number

Get Carrier

Sample Request [GET] /carriers/DHL

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "carrierCode": "DHL",
    "name": "DHL",
    "created": "2022-10-17T12:58:11Z",
    "product": "V01PAK",
    "labelFormat": "910-300-300",
    "paramters": {
        "ekp": "2222222222",
        "products": [
                "id": 1,
                "product": "V01PAK",
                "userParticipation": "01"

Sample Request [GET] /carriers/DP

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "id": 2,
    "carrierCode": "DP",
    "name": "Deutsche Post",
    "product": "1",
    "labelFormat": "1",
    "created": "2022-11-03T16:35:11Z"

Sample Request [GET] /carriers/DPD

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "carrierCode": "DPD",
    "name": "DPD",
    "product": "Classic",
    "labelFormat": "PDF_A4",
    "created": "2022-11-08T00:00:00Z"

Sample Request [GET] /carriers/GLS

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "carrierCode": "GLS",
    "name": "GLS",
    "product": "PARCEL",
    "labelFormat": "PDF",
    "created": "2022-11-08T00:00:00Z",
    "parameters": {
        "contactId": "12345678",
        "serviceUrl": ""

Sample Request [GET] /carriers/HERMES

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "carrierCode": "HERMES",
    "name": "Hermes",
    "product": "PARCEL",
    "labelFormat": "PDF",
    "created": "2022-11-08T00:00:00Z"

Sample Request [GET] /carriers/UPS

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "carrierCode": "UPS",
    "name": "UPS",
    "product": "11",
    "labelFormat": "PDF",
    "parameters": {
        "accountNumber": "UPS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER"
    "created": "2022-11-08T00:00:00Z"

Sample Request [GET] /carriers/POST_AT

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "carrierCode": "POST_AT",
    "name": "Österreichische Post",
    "product": "10",
    "labelFormat": "A5",
    "parameters": {
        "clientId": "POST_CLIENT_ID"
    "created": "2022-11-08T00:00:00Z"

Sample Request [GET] /carriers/DHL_EXPRESS

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "carrierCode": "DHL_EXPRESS",
    "name": "DHL Express",
    "product": "T",
    "labelFormat": "PDF",
    "parameters": {
        "accountNumber": "123456789"
    "created": "2022-11-08T00:00:00Z"

[GET] /carriers/{carrierCode}

Shows details of a carrier.

Update Carrier

Sample Request [PUT] /carriers/DHL

    "carrierCode": "DHL",
    "name": "DHL",
    "product": "V01PAK",
    "labelFormat": "910-300-300",
    "paramters": {
        "ekp": "2222222222"

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[PUT] /carriers/{carrierCode}

Updates a carrier.

Update Credentials

Sample Request [PUT] /carriers/DHL/credentials

    "username": "DHL_USERNAME",
    "userSecret": "DHL_PASSWORD"

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[PUT] /carriers/{carrierCode}/credentials

Updates the credentials of the carrier.

Verify Credentials

Sample Request [POST] /carriers/DHL/verify

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[POST] /carriers/{carrierCode}/verify

Verifies the credentials of the carrier.

Delete Carrier

Sample Request [DELETE] /carriers/DHL

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[DELETE] /carriers/{carrierCode}

Deletes a carrier.

Manage Products

Sample Request [POST] /carriers/DHL/products

    "product": "V01PAK",
    "userParticipation": "01"

Sample Response [201] - Created

    "id": 1,
    "product": "V01PAK",
    "userParticipation": "01"

For the carrier DHL the products have to be created additionally, because the userParticipation is needed. Furthermore he can specify which DHL services are activated for him.

Create Product

[POST] /carriers/DHL/products

Creates a DHL product

Update Product

Sample Request [PUT] /carriers/DHL/products/1

    "product": "V01PAK",
    "userParticipation": "01"

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[PUT] /carriers/DHL/products/{productId}

Updates a DHL product

Delete Product

Sample Request [DELETE] /carriers/DHL/products/1

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[DELETE] /carriers/DHL/products/{productId}

Deletes a DHL product

Carrier Services

The services that can be used when creating a shipping label for the selected carrier are listed below.

DHL Services

Sample services for DHL

        "service": "PREFERRED_NEIGHBOUR",
        "parameters" : {
            "value": "Shippinglabel"
        "service": "PREFERRED_LOCATION",
        "parameters" : {
            "value": "Garage"
        "service": "VISUAL_CHECK_OF_AGE",
        "parameters" : {
            "value": "A18"
        "service": "NAMED_PERSON_ONLY"
        "service": "BULKY_GOODS"
        "service": "IDENT_CHECK",
        "parameters" : {
            "firstName": "Name",
            "lastName": "LastName",
            "birthDate": "2022-08-08T00:00:00Z"
        "service": "PREFERRED_DAY",
        "parameters" : {
            "preferredDay": "2022-08-08T00:00:00Z"
        "service": "NO_NEIGHBOUR_DELIVERY"
        "service": "ADDITIONAL_INSURANCE",
        "parameters" : {
            "amount": 25000
        "service": "CASH_ON_DELIVERY",
        "parameters" : {
            "amount": 200.50,
            "accountOwner": "Shippinglabel Name",
            "bankName": "Shippinglabel Bank",
            "iban": "DE11111111111111111111",
            "bic": "COLSDE33XXX",
            "reference": "Reference 1",
            "reference2": "Reference 2"
        "service": "PACKAGING_RETURN"
        "service": "PARCEL_OUTLET_ROUTING",
        "parameters" : {
            "value": ""
        "service": "SHOP_DELIVERY",
        "parameters": {
            "destinationType": "SHOP",
            "destinationId": "540",
            "postNumber": "12345678"
        "service": "SHOP_DELIVERY",
        "parameters": {
            "destinationType": "LOCKER",
            "destinationId": "110",
            "postNumber": "12345678"
        "service": "PREMIUM"

The following services can be offered via DHL

Service Parameters
PREFERRED_NEIGHBOUR value: The name / address of your preferred neighbour
PREFERRED_LOCATION value: The preferred delivery location for the parcel (e.g. garage)
VISUAL_CHECK_OF_AGE value: Accepted values:
A16 -> Minimum age of receiver needs to be 16 years
A18 -> Minimum age of the receiver needs to be 18 years
IDENT_CHECK firstName: First name
lastName: Last name
birthDate: Date of birth
PREFERRED_DAY preferredDay: The requested day must be at least 2 and at most 6 working days after the shipment date
ADDITIONAL_INSURANCE amount: The insurance amount. Possible values are 2500 and 25000
CASH_ON_DELIVERY amount: Money amount to be collected
accountOwner: Name of bank account owner
bankName: Name of Bank
iban: IBAN code of bank account
bic: Bank-Information-Code (BankCCL) of bank account
reference: Purpose of bank information
reference2: Purpose of bank information
PARCEL_OUTLET_ROUTING value: E-mail address for notification in case of non-deliverability
SHOP_DELIVERY destinationType: Indicates whether the delivery is to a shop or a Packstation (Locker). Possible values are: SHOP or LOCKER
destinationId: Indicates the ID of the shop or the Packstation
postNumber: Is the official account number a private DHL customer gets upon registration

GLS Services

Sample services for GLS

        "service": "FLEX_DELIVERY"
        "service": "PREFERRED_LOCATION",
        "parameters" : {
            "location": "Garage"
        "service": "NEXT_DAY"
        "service": "SHOP_RETURN"
        "service": "SATURDAY_DELIVERY"
        "service": "IDENT_CHECK",
        "parameters" : {
            "firstName": "Name",
            "lastName": "LastName",
            "birthDate": "2022-08-08T00:00:00Z"
        "service": "IDENT_PIN",
        "parameters" : {
            "pin": "1234",
            "birthDate": "2022-08-08T00:00:00Z"
        "service": "ADDITIONAL_INSURANCE",
        "parameters" : {
            "amount": 5000
        "service": "CASH_ON_DELIVERY",
        "parameters" : {
            "amount": 200.50,
            "reference": "Reference"
        "service": "PREFERRED_DAY",
        "parameters" : {
            "preferredDay": "2022-08-08T00:00:00Z"

The following services can be offered via GLS

Service Parameters
FLEX_DELIVERY The mail field in the receiver address must be set
PREFERRED_LOCATION location: The preferred delivery location for the parcel (e.g. garage)
IDENT_CHECK firstName: First name
lastName: Last name
birthDate: Date of birth
IDENT_PIN pin: 4-digit PIN code that the consignee needs to enter
birthDate: Date of birth
ADDITIONAL_INSURANCE amount: The insurance amount
CASH_ON_DELIVERY amount: Money amount to be collected
reference: Purpose of bank information
SATURDAY_DELIVERY This service can only be booked on a Friday with the product EXPRESS

Hermes Services

Sample services for Hermes

        "service": "BULKY_GOODS"
        "service": "NEXT_DAY"
        "service": "SHOP_DELIVERY"
        "service": "NO_NEIGHBOUR_DELIVERY"
        "service": "NO_SHIPMENT_REDIRECTION"
        "service": "NO_SHOP_AUTHORIZATION"
        "service": "HAZARDOUS_GOODS"
        "service": "CASH_ON_DELIVERY",
        "parameters" : {
            "amount": 200.50
        "service": "IDENT_CHECK",
        "parameters" : {
            "identId": "12345678",
            "birthDate": "2022-08-08T00:00:00Z"
        "service": "VISUAL_CHECK_OF_AGE",
        "parameters" : {
            "value": "18"

The following services can be offered via Hermes

Service Parameters
SHOP_DELIVERY The mail field in the receiver address must be set
CASH_ON_DELIVERY amount: Money amount to be collected
IDENT_CHECK identId: Document ID for the IdentService
birthDate: Date of birth
VISUAL_CHECK_OF_AGE value: Accepted values:
16 -> Minimum age of receiver needs to be 16 years
18 -> Minimum age of the receiver needs to be 18
PREFERRED_DAY preferredDay: The requested day must be at least 2 and at most 6 working days after the shipment date

UPS Services

Sample services for UPS

        "service": "SATURDAY_DELIVERY"
        "service": "CASH_ON_DELIVERY",
        "parameters" : {
            "amount": 200.50

The following services can be offered via UPS

Service Parameters
CASH_ON_DELIVERY amount: Money amount to be collected

POST_AT Services

Sample services for POST_AT

        "service": "SATURDAY_DELIVERY"
        "service": "CASH_ON_DELIVERY",
        "parameters" : {
            "amount": 200.50,
            "accountOwner": "Shippinglabel Name",
            "iban": "DE11111111111111111111",
            "bic": "COLSDE33XXX",
            "reference": "Reference 1",
        "service": "PREFERRED_LOCATION",
        "parameters" : {
            "location": "Letterbox"
        "service": "ADDITIONAL_INSURANCE",
        "parameters" : {
            "amount": 2500
        "service": "NEXT_DAY"
        "service": "HAZARDOUS_GOODS"
        "service": "NAMED_PERSON_ONLY"
        "service": "FRAGILE"
        "service": "PREFERRED_NEIGHBOUR",
        "parameters" : {
            "name": "BWS IT GmbH",
            "address": "Maarweg 62"
        "service": "SHOP_DELIVERY",
        "parameters": {
            "shop": "10060310126964100"

The following services can be offered via POST_AT

Service Parameters
CASH_ON_DELIVERY amount: Money amount to be collected
accountOwner: Name of bank account owner
iban: IBAN code of bank account
bic: Bank-Information-Code (BankCCL) of bank account
reference: Purpose of bank information
PREFERRED_LOCATION location: The preferred delivery location for the parcel (e.g. letterbox)
ADDITIONAL_INSURANCE amount: The insurance amount
PREFERRED_NEIGHBOUR name: Neighbour's name
address: Street & number
SHOP_DELIVERY shop: Shop id (Branchkey)


Sample services for DHL_EXPRESS

        "service": "SATURDAY_DELIVERY"
        "service": "HAZARDOUS_GOODS"
        "service": "SIGNATURE"
        "service": "VISUAL_CHECK_OF_AGE"
        "service": "ADDITIONAL_INSURANCE",
        "parameters" : {
            "amount": 2500
        "service": "PICKUP",
        "parameters" : {
            "pickupTime": "18:00",
            "location": "reception",
            "pickupAddress": {
                "company": "Shippinglabel",
                "firstName": "first name",
                "lastName": "last name",
                "streetNumber": "62",
                "street": "Maarweg",
                "city": "Köln",
                "postalCode": "50933",
                "mail": "",
                "phone": "+49221123456789",
                "country": "DE"

The following services can be offered via DHL_EXPRESS

Service Parameters
ADDITIONAL_INSURANCE amount: The insurance amount
PICKUP pickupTime: The latest time the location premises is available to dispatch the DHL Express shipment
location: Provides information on where the package should be picked up
pickupAddress: Pickup address vom type: AddressModel


Use /shipments to create, update, delete and retrieve shipments.

Shipment Models


Sample ShipmentModel

    "id": 1,
    "shipmentNumber": "1234567890",
    "carrier": {
        "carrierCode": "DHL",
        "product": "V01PAK",
        "services": [
                "service": "PREFERRED_LOCATION",
                "parameters": {
                    "value": "Garage"
    "parcels": [
            "description": "Shippinglabel package",
            "weight": 1.0,
            "reference": "4711"
    "sender": {
        "company": "Shippinglabel",
        "firstName": "first name",
        "lastName": "last name",
        "streetNumber": "62",
        "street": "Maarweg",
        "city": "Köln",
        "postalCode": "50933",
        "mail": "",
        "country": "DE"
    "receiver": {
        "company": "BWS",
        "streetNumber": "49",
        "street": "Featherstone Street",
        "city": "London",
        "postalCode": "EC1Y 8SY",
        "mail": "",
        "country": "UK"
     "customs": {
        "exportType": "COMMERCIAL_GOODS",
        "exportDescription": "Shirts",
        "shippingCosts": {
            "value": 3,
            "currency": "EUR"
        "invoiceNumber": "RE-123-456-789",
        "hasElectronicExportNotification": false,
        "senderCustomsReference": "DE123456789",
        "receiverCustomsReference": "GB123456789",
        "items": [
                "description": "T-Shirt",
                "quantity": 5,
                "hsCode": "123456",
                "originCountry": "DE",
                "unitValue": {
                    "value": 2.35,
                    "currency": "EUR"
                "weight": 0.5
    "reference": "ID-12345678",
    "shipmentDate": "2022-12-15T15:13:00Z",
    "created": "2022-12-15T20:59:12.816578Z",
    "label": "JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKNSAwIG9iago8PC9GaWx0ZXIvRm....",
    "status": {
        "code": 400,
        "error": {
            "message": "Error sample"

The ShipmentModel contains all data for creating a shipping label.

Field Type Required Description
id integer No ID of the shipment. Read only
shipmentNumber string No The shipment number returned for the carrier. Can be used for tracking
carrier CarrierModel Yes Carrier details and services
parcels ParcelModel[] Yes Array of Parcels. Currently only one parcel may be specified
sender AddressModel Yes* Sender address
Required if no address of type SHIPPING exists
receiver AddressModel Yes Receiver address
customs CustomsModel No Contains customs documents and information. Available for the carrier DHL and DHL_EXPRESS
reference string No Reference for API requests. Will not be transmitted to the carrier
shipmentDate datetime No If not set, today's date is automatically selected
created datetime No Created time. Read only
label string No Base64-encoded shipping label in PDF format
status ShipmentStatusModel No Contains information about the result when creating multiple shipments or when using our queue function


Contains information on customs documents for international shipping.

Field Type Required Description
exportType ExportTypeCode Yes The category type of the item in the package
exportDescription string Yes* Description of the export type when exportType is OTHER
shippingCosts AmountModel Yes* Specifies the shipping costs
Required for the carrier DHL
invoiceNumber string Yes* The invoice number of the package
Required for the carrier DHL_EXPRESS
invoiceDate string Yes* The invoice date in format YYYY-MM-DD
Required for the carrier DHL_EXPRESS
hasElectronicExportNotification boolean No Indicator confirming whether an electronic record for the package has been made
Available for the carrier DHL
senderCustomsReference string No Reference from the sender (EORI number or VAT number)
Available for the carrier DHL
receiverCustomsReference string No Reference from the receiver (EORI number or VAT number)
Available for the carrier DHL
items CustomsItemModel[] Yes Contains the custom items


Contains information on the customs items.

Field Type Required Description
description string Yes Description of the item
quantity integer Yes Quantity of the item in the package
hsCode string No The Harmonized Code referring to the item
originCountry CountryCode No Where the item was manufactured
unitValue AmountModel Yes Specifies the price of a single item
weight float Yes Weight in kg of a single item


The ExportTypeCode is an enum and specifies the category for the customs item.

Value Description
COMMERCIAL_GOODS This value indicates that the shipment contains commercial goods
RETURN_OF_GOODS This value indicates the return of goods
DOCUMENT This value indicates that the shipment contains documents
SAMPLE This value indicates that the shipment includes samples
PRESENT This value indicates the presence of a gift or present in the shipment.
OTHER This value covers all other situations not falling into the above categories


An AmountModel is used to represent monetary amounts.

Field Type Required Description
value float Yes Numeric amount
currency CurrencyCode Yes Specifies the currency code


Contains information about the result when creating multiple shipments.

Field Type Description
code integer (HTTP Status Code) Returns the result of the shipment.
201: Successfully created
400: Check error for details
error ErrorModel Contains the error message, for a code above or equal 400

List Shipments

Sample Request [GET] /shipments?page=0&page_size=2&order=asc

Sample Response [200] - OK


X-Total-Count: 1234


        "id": 1,
        "shipmentNumber": "222201010023532108",
        "carrier": {
            "carrierCode": "DHL"
        "parcels": [
                "reference": "Parcel reference"
        "receiver": {
            "company": "Shippinglabel",
            "street": "Maarweg",
            "streetNumber": "62"
        "reference": "API-INTERN-1",
        "created": "2022-12-07T10:12:49Z"
        "id": 2,
        "shipmentNumber": "A0027BBE300000005261",
        "carrier": {
            "carrierCode": "DP"
        "parcels": [
                "reference": "Parcel reference"
        "receiver": {
            "firstName": "Shipping",
            "lastName": "Label",
            "street": "Maarweg",
            "streetNumber": "62"
        "reference": "API-INTERN-2",
        "created": "2022-12-15T20:53:29Z"

[GET] /shipments

Returns all available shipments.

Query parameters

Field Description
page_size The maximum number of shipments to return in the response. Must be an integer between 0 and 10000. Default: 10000
page The page number to retrieve for the list of shipments. For example page = 0 and page_size = 10 return the first 10 shipments. page = 1 and page_size=10 return the next shipments (11-20). Default: 0
order Specifies the order of shipments. Available values are asc or desc. Default: asc

Validate Shipment

Sample Request [POST] /shipments/validate

    "carrier": {
        "carrierCode": "DPD",
        "product": "Classic",
        "labelFormat": "PDF_A4"
    "parcels": [
            "weight": 1.0,
            "reference": "4711"
    "sender": {
        "company": "Shippinglabel",
        "streetNumber": "62",
        "street": "Maarweg",
        "city": "Köln",
        "postalCode": "50933",
        "mail": "",
        "country": "DE"
    "receiver": {
        "company": "dewabit",
        "streetNumber": "62",
        "street": "Maarweg ",
        "city": "Köln",
        "postalCode": "50933",
        "mail": "",
        "country": "DE"
    "shipmentDate": "2022-12-12T15:13:00Z",
    "reference": "ID-12345678"

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[POST] /shipments/validate

Validates a shipment.

Create Shipment

Sample Request [POST] /shipments

    "carrier": {
        "carrierCode": "DHL",
        "product": "V01PAK",
        "labelFormat": "910-300-300",
        "services": [
                "service": "PREFERRED_LOCATION",
                "parameters": {
                    "value": "Garage"
    "parcels": [
            "weight": 1.0,
            "reference": "4711"
    "sender": {
        "company": "Shippinglabel",
        "streetNumber": "62",
        "street": "Maarweg",
        "city": "Köln",
        "postalCode": "50933",
        "mail": "",
        "country": "DE"
    "receiver": {
        "company": "dewabit",
        "streetNumber": "62",
        "street": "Maarweg ",
        "city": "Köln",
        "postalCode": "50933",
        "mail": "",
        "country": "DE"
    "shipmentDate": "2022-12-12T15:13:00Z",
    "reference": "ID-12345678"

Sample Response [201] - Created

    "id": 1,
    "shipmentNumber": "1234567890",
    "carrier": {
        "carrierCode": "DHL",
        "product": "V01PAK",
        "labelFormat": "910-300-300",
        "services": [
                "service": "PREFERRED_LOCATION",
                "parameters": {
                    "value": "Garage"
    "parcels": [
            "weight": 1.0,
            "reference": "4711"
    "sender": {
        "company": "Shippinglabel",
        "streetNumber": "62",
        "street": "Maarweg",
        "city": "Köln",
        "postalCode": "50933",
        "mail": "",
        "country": "DE"
    "receiver": {
        "company": "dewabit",
        "streetNumber": "62",
        "street": "Maarweg ",
        "city": "Köln",
        "postalCode": "50933",
        "mail": "",
        "country": "DE"
    "reference": "ID-12345678",
    "shipmentDate": "2022-12-15T15:13:00Z",
    "created": "2022-12-15T20:59:12.816578Z",
    "label": "JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKNSAwIG9iago8PC9GaWx0ZXIvRm...."

[POST] /shipments

Creates a shipment.

Get Shipment

Sample Request [GET] /shipments/1

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "id": 1,
    "shipmentNumber": "1234567890",
    "carrier": {
        "carrierCode": "DHL",
        "product": "V01PAK"
    "parcels": [
            "weight": 1.0,
            "reference": "4711"
    "sender": {
        "company": "Shippinglabel",
        "streetNumber": "62",
        "street": "Maarweg",
        "city": "Köln",
        "postalCode": "50933",
        "mail": "",
        "country": "DE"
    "receiver": {
        "company": "dewabit",
        "streetNumber": "62",
        "street": "Maarweg ",
        "city": "Köln",
        "postalCode": "50933",
        "mail": "",
        "country": "DE"
    "reference": "ID-12345678",
    "shipmentDate": "2022-12-15T15:13:00Z",
    "created": "2022-12-15T20:59:12.816578Z",
    "label": "JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKNSAwIG9iago8PC9GaWx0ZXIvRm...."

[GET] /shipments/{shipmentId}

Shows details of a shipments.

Delete Shipment

Sample Request [DELETE] /shipments/1

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[DELETE] /shipments/{shipmentId}

Deletes a shipment.

Create Shipments

Sample Request [POST] /shipments

        "carrier": {
            "carrierCode": "DHL",
            "product": "V01PAK"
        "parcels": [
                "weight": 1.0,
                "reference": "4711"
        "sender": {
            "company": "Shippinglabel",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "receiver": {
            "company": "dewabit",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg ",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "shipmentDate": "2022-12-12T15:13:00Z",
        "reference": "ID-1"
        "carrier": {
            "carrierCode": "DP",
            "product": "1"
        "parcels": [
                "weight": 1.0,
                "reference": "4711"
        "sender": {
            "company": "Shippinglabel",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "receiver": {
            "company": "dewabit",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg ",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "reference": "ID-2"

Sample Response [207] - Multi-Status

        "carrier": {
            "carrierCode": "DHL",
            "product": "V01PAK"
        "parcels": [
                "weight": 1.0,
                "reference": "4711"
        "sender": {
            "company": "Shippinglabel",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "receiver": {
            "company": "dewabit",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg ",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "reference": "ID-1",
        "shipmentDate": "2022-12-06T15:13:00Z",
        "status": {
            "code": 400,
            "error": {
                "message": "Bitte geben Sie ein gültiges Sendungsdatum an.",
                "code": "DHL"
        "id": 4,
        "shipmentNumber": "A1121324341421421421",
        "carrier": {
            "carrierCode": "DP",
            "product": "1",
            "dpOrderId": "11111111"
        "parcels": [
                "weight": 1.0,
                "reference": "4711"
        "sender": {
            "company": "Shippinglabel",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "receiver": {
            "company": "dewabit",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg ",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "reference": "ID-2",
        "created": "2022-12-15T21:11:14.275372Z",
        "status": {
            "code": 201

[POST] /shipments/bulk

Creates multiple shipments.

Get Labels

Sample Request [GET] /shipments/labels/1,2,3,4

Sample Response [200] - OK


Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=sl_label_1.pdf
Content-Length: 1232134


5 0 obj
<</Filter/FlateDecode/Length 51>>stream

[GET] /shipments/labels/{id1,id2,...,idn}

Returns one or more labels in PDF format.

Export CSV

Sample Request [GET] /shipments/csv/1,2,3,4?profileId=1&compress=false

Sample Response [200] - OK


Content-Type: text/csv
Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=sl_file.csv:
Content-Length: 1232134



Sample Request [GET] /shipments/csv/1,2,3,4?profileId=1&compress=true

Sample Response [200] - OK


Content-Type: application/zip
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Content-Length: 1232134



[GET] /shipments/csv/{id1,id2,...,idn}

Export the selected shipments as a CSV file.

Query parameters

Field Description
profileId Specifies the CSV profile. If not specified, the default profile is automatically selected.
compress Set to true to receive the CSV data in a compressed ZIP file format, enhancing the efficiency of data transfer and storage.


Use /shipments/queue to create, update, delete and retrieve shipments in the queue. Shipment in the queue can be prepared and then bundled and processed via a shipment job.

Queue Models


Sample QueueItemModel

    "id": 1,
    "shipment": {
        "carrier": {
            "carrierCode": "DHL",
            "product": "V01PAK",
            "services": [
                    "service": "PREFERRED_LOCATION",
                    "parameters": {
                        "value": "Garage"
        "parcels": [
                "description": "Shippinglabel package",
                "weight": 1.0,
                "reference": "4711"
        "sender": {
            "company": "Shippinglabel",
            "firstName": "first name",
            "lastName": "last name",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "receiver": {
            "company": "BWS",
            "streetNumber": "49",
            "street": "Featherstone Street",
            "city": "London",
            "postalCode": "EC1Y 8SY",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "UK"
        "customs": {
            "exportType": "COMMERCIAL_GOODS",
            "exportDescription": "Shirts",
            "shippingCosts": {
                "value": 3,
                "currency": "EUR"
            "invoiceNumber": "RE-123-456-789",
            "hasElectronicExportNotification": false,
            "senderCustomsReference": "DE123456789",
            "receiverCustomsReference": "GB123456789",
            "items": [
                    "description": "T-Shirt",
                    "quantity": 5,
                    "hsCode": "123456",
                    "originCountry": "DE",
                    "unitValue": {
                        "value": 2.35,
                        "currency": "EUR"
                    "weight": 0.5
        "reference": "ID-12345678",
        "shipmentDate": "2022-12-15T15:13:00Z",
        "created": "2022-12-15T20:59:12.816578Z",
        "status": {
            "code": 201
    "created": "2023-12-05T11:58:15Z"

The QueueItemModel defines the structure of a data object in a queuing system, specifying details such as the unique ID, associated shipment data, processing time, and creation time of each queue item.

Field Type Required Description
id integer No ID of the queue item. Read only
shipment ShipmentModel Yes The shipment data of the queue item
processTime datetime No The process time of the shipment. Read only
created datetime No Created time. Read only

List Queue Items

Sample Request [GET] /shipments/queue

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "id": 1,
        "shipment": {
            "carrier": {
                "carrierCode": "DHL",
                "product": "WRONG_PRODUCT"
            "receiver": {
                "company": "Shippinglabel",
                "firstName": "first name",
                "lastName": "last name",
                "streetNumber": "62",
                "street": "Maarweg",
            "reference": "456",
            "status": {
                "code": 400,
                "error": {
                    "message": "The selected product could not be found"
        "created": "2023-12-05T11:58:15Z"
        "id": 2,
        "shipment": {
            "id": 2519,
            "carrier": {
                "carrierCode": "DHL"
            "receiver": {
                "company": "Shippinglabel",
                "firstName": "first name",
                "lastName": "last name",
                "streetNumber": "62",
                "street": "Maarweg",
            "reference": "ID-12345678",
            "status": {
                "code": 201
        "created": "2023-12-07T11:00:15Z"

[GET] /shipments/queue

Returns all available shipments in the queue.

Create Queue Item

Sample Request [POST] /shipments/queue

    "shipment": {
        "carrier": {
            "carrierCode": "DHL",
            "product": "V01PAK",
            "services": [
                    "service": "PREFERRED_LOCATION",
                    "parameters": {
                        "value": "Garage"
        "parcels": [
                "description": "Shippinglabel package",
                "weight": 1.0,
                "reference": "4711"
        "sender": {
            "company": "Shippinglabel",
            "firstName": "first name",
            "lastName": "last name",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "receiver": {
            "company": "BWS",
            "streetNumber": "49",
            "street": "Featherstone Street",
            "city": "London",
            "postalCode": "EC1Y 8SY",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "UK"
        "reference": "ID-12345678"

Sample Response [201] - Created

    "id": 1,
    "shipment": {
        "carrier": {
            "carrierCode": "DHL",
            "product": "V01PAK",
            "services": [
                    "service": "PREFERRED_LOCATION",
                    "parameters": {
                        "value": "Garage"
        "parcels": [
                "description": "Shippinglabel package",
                "weight": 1.0,
                "reference": "4711"
        "sender": {
            "company": "Shippinglabel",
            "firstName": "first name",
            "lastName": "last name",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "receiver": {
            "company": "BWS",
            "streetNumber": "49",
            "street": "Featherstone Street",
            "city": "London",
            "postalCode": "EC1Y 8SY",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "UK"
        "reference": "ID-12345678"
    "created": "2023-12-07T11:00:15Z"

[POST] /shipments/queue

Creates a shipment to the queue.

Get Queue Item

Sample Request [GET] /shipments/queue/1

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "id": 2,
    "shipment": {
        "id": 1,
        "shipmentNumber": "1234567890",
        "carrier": {
            "carrierCode": "DHL",
            "product": "V01PAK"
        "parcels": [
                "weight": 1.0,
                "reference": "4711"
        "sender": {
            "company": "Shippinglabel",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "receiver": {
            "company": "dewabit",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg ",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "reference": "ID-12345678",
        "shipmentDate": "2022-12-15T15:13:00Z",
        "created": "2022-12-15T20:59:12.816578Z",
        "status": {
            "code": 201
    "created": "2023-12-07T11:00:15Z"

[GET] /shipments/queue/{itemId}

Shows details for a shipment from the queue.

Update Queue Item

Sample Request [PUT] /shipments/queue/1

    "shipment": {
        "carrier": {
            "carrierCode": "DHL",
            "product": "V01PAK",
            "services": [
                    "service": "PREFERRED_LOCATION",
                    "parameters": {
                        "value": "Garage"
        "parcels": [
                "description": "Shippinglabel package",
                "weight": 1.0,
                "reference": "4711"
        "sender": {
            "company": "Shippinglabel",
            "firstName": "first name",
            "lastName": "last name",
            "streetNumber": "62",
            "street": "Maarweg",
            "city": "Köln",
            "postalCode": "50933",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "DE"
        "receiver": {
            "company": "BWS",
            "streetNumber": "49",
            "street": "Featherstone Street",
            "city": "London",
            "postalCode": "EC1Y 8SY",
            "mail": "",
            "country": "UK"
        "reference": "ID-12345678"

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[PUT] /shipments/queue/{itemId}

Updates a shipment from the queue.

Delete Queue Item

Sample Request [DELETE] /shipments/queue/1

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[DELETE] /shipments/queue/{itemId}

Deletes a shipment from the queue.

Upload CSV

Sample Request [POST] /shipments/queue?profileId=1


Content-Type: text/csv



Sample Response [201] - Created

        "id": 1,
        "shipment": {
            "carrier": {
                "code": "DHL"
            "parcels": [
                    "weight": 5
        "created": "2023-12-11T12:32:21.4932488Z"
        "id": 2,
        "shipment": {
            "carrier": {
                "code": "HERMES_WRONG"
            "parcels": [
                    "weight": 1
            "status": {
                "code": 400,
                "error": {
                    "message": "Der angegebene Dienstleister konnte nicht gefunden werden",
                    "code": "VALIDATE_CARRIER_CODE_NOT_FOUND"
        "created": "2023-12-11T12:32:21.4932488Z"

[POST] /shipments/queue/csv

Use this endpoint to import a CSV file to transfer shipments to the queue.

Query parameters

Field Description
profileId Specifies the CSV profile. If not specified, the default profile is automatically selected.

Request Body

You can either specify the CSV directly as text in the HTTP request body or as form data (multipart/form-data). Use the key csvFile to attach you CSV file.


Use /csv/profiles for efficient management of CSV profiles, enabling the upload of CSV files to facilitate the creation of shipments within the queue.

CSV Models


Sample CSVProfileModel

    "id": 1,
    "name": "CSV",
    "delimiter": ";",
    "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ",
    "encoding": "UTF-8",
    "mapping": [
            "headerField": "ShipmentNumber",
            "valueId": "ShipmentNumber"
            "headerField": "Carrier",
            "valueId": "Carrier.Code"
    "isDefault": true,
    "created": "2023-12-02T12:50:29Z"

The CSVProfileModel defines the structure and settings for CSV file processing in shipment management, encompassing fields like profile ID, name, delimiter, date format, encoding, mapping to shipment data, default status, and creation time.

Field Type Required Description
id integer No ID of the CSV profile. Read only
name string Yes Specified name of the profile
delimiter string Yes Indicates the character used as a separator in the CSV file to distinguish between individual values. Please note that only a single character can be specified for this purpose.
dateFormat CSVDateFormat Yes Specifies the date format
encoding EncodingCode Yes Specifies the coding format
mapping CSVMappingModel[] Yes Specifies the assignment of the CSV file with the shipment data
isDefault boolean No Sets the default CSV profile
created datetime No Created time. Read only


The EncodingCode is an enum and specifies the coding format for the CSV file.

Value Description
UTF-8 A widely used character encoding that supports a large number of characters from various languages. It's compatible with ASCII and is commonly used for its versatility in handling diverse text data.
ISO-8859-1 Also known as Latin-1, this encoding supports Western European languages. It's useful for texts containing characters from languages like English, French, German, and Spanish.
UTF-8-BOM A variant of UTF-8 that includes a Byte Order Mark (BOM). This marker at the start of the text stream can help some software determine the file's encoding, language, and endianness.


The CSVMappingModel correlates CSV file header values with corresponding shipment data, ensuring accurate mapping and data integration.

Field Type Required Description
headerField string Yes The header name of your CSV field
valueId MappingCode Yes Specifies the shipment data


The MappingCode is an enum and specifies the value in the shipment.

Value Description
ShipmentNumber Tracking number of the shipment
ShipmentDate Date of the shipment
Carrier.Code Code of the carrier
Carrier.Product Product type of the carrier
Carrier.Format Format used by the carrier
Parcels.[0].Weight Weight of the first parcel
Parcels.[0].Height Height of the first parcel
Parcels.[0].Length Length of the first parcel
Parcels.[0].Width Width of the first parcel
Parcels.[0].Description Description of the first parcel
Parcels.[0].Reference Reference of the first parcel
Receiver.Company Company name of the receiver
Receiver.FirstName First name of the receiver
Receiver.LastName Last name of the receiver
Receiver.Street Street address of the receiver
Receiver.StreetNumber Street number of the receiver
Receiver.AddressAddition Additional address details of the receiver
Receiver.PostalCode Postal code of the receiver
Receiver.City City of the receiver
Receiver.Mail Email address of the receiver
Receiver.Phone Phone number of the receiver
Receiver.Country Country of the receiver
Sender.Company Company name of the sender
Sender.FirstName First name of the sender
Sender.LastName Last name of the sender
Sender.Street Street address of the sender
Sender.StreetNumber Street number of the sender
Sender.AddressAddition Additional address details of the sender
Sender.PostalCode Postal code of the sender
Sender.City City of the sender
Sender.Mail Email address of the sender
Sender.Phone Phone number of the sender
Sender.Country Country of the sender
Reference Reference for the API request


You can use the CSVDateFormat to specify the date format to be used in the CSV file. The following values are available.

Value Description
MM Month
DD Day
hh Hours
mm Minutes
ss Seconds
Z Timezone

For example, the date format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ is converted to 2023-12-02T12:50:29Z.

List CSV Profiles

Sample Request [GET] /csv/profiles

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "id": 1,
        "name": "CSV-Profile",
        "isDefault": true,
        "created": "2023-12-02T12:50:29Z"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "dewabit_Export",
        "created": "2023-12-10T12:04:27Z"

[GET] /csv/profiles

Returns all available CSV profiles.

Create CSV Profile

Sample Request [POST] /csv/profiles

    "name": "CSV-Profile",
    "delimiter": ";",
    "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
    "encoding": "UTF-8",
    "mapping": [
            "headerField": "ShipmentNumber",
            "valueId": "ShipmentNumber"
            "headerField": "Carrier",
            "valueId": "Carrier.Code"
    "isDefault": true

Sample Response [201] - Created

    "id": 1,
    "name": "CSV-Profile",
    "delimiter": ";",
    "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
    "encoding": "UTF-8",
    "mapping": [
            "headerField": "ShipmentNumber",
            "valueId": "ShipmentNumber"
            "headerField": "Carrier",
            "valueId": "Carrier.Code"
    "isDefault": true,
    "created": "2023-12-10T12:04:27Z"

[POST] /csv/profiles

Creates a CSV profile.

Get CSV Profile

Sample Request [GET] /csv/profiles/1

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "id": 1,
    "name": "CSV-Profile",
    "delimiter": ";",
    "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
    "encoding": "UTF-8",
    "mapping": [
            "headerField": "ShipmentNumber",
            "valueId": "ShipmentNumber"
            "headerField": "Carrier",
            "valueId": "Carrier.Code"
    "isDefault": true,
    "created": "2023-12-10T12:04:27Z"

[GET] /csv/profiles/{profileId}

Shows details for a CSV profile.

Update CSV Profile

Sample Request [PUT] /csv/profiles/1

    "name": "CSV-Profile",
    "delimiter": ",",
    "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
    "encoding": "UTF-8",
    "mapping": [
            "headerField": "ShipmentNumber",
            "valueId": "ShipmentNumber"
            "headerField": "Carrier",
            "valueId": "Carrier.Code"
            "headerField": "APIReference",
            "valueId": "Reference"
    "isDefault": true

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[PUT] /csv/profiles/{profileId}

Updates a CSV profile.

Delete CSV Profile

Sample Request [DELETE] /csv/profiles/1

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[DELETE] /csv/profiles/{profileId}

Deletes a CSV profile.

Jobs (BETA)

Use the /shipment/jobs endpoint to effectively process selected shipments from the queue and create shipping labels.

Job Models


Sample JobModel

    "id": 1,
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "executionTime": "2023-12-08T10:00:00Z",
    "lastUpdate": "2023-12-08T10:21:42Z",
    "created": "2023-12-06T07:24:05Z",
    "queueItems": [
            "id": 1,
            "shipment": {
                "carrier": {
                    "carrierCode": "DHL"
                "reference": "456",
                "status": {
                    "code": 201
            "processTime": "2023-12-07T10:09:51Z",
            "created": "2023-12-05T11:58:15Z"
    "totalQueueItems": 1,
    "processedQueueItems": 1

The JobModel defines the structure for creating a job that processes shipments from the queue to create shipping labels.

Field Type Required Description
id integer No ID of the job. Read only
status JobStatusCode No Specified the job status. Read only
executionTime datetime No If specified, the job is executed and processed at the specified time. Otherwise, the job is executed directly
lastUpdate datetime No A timestamp indicating the last update of the job. Read only
created datetime No Created time. Read only
queueItems QueueItemModel[] Yes Specifies the coding format
totalQueueItems integer No Specifies the number of items to be processed from the job. Read only
processedQueueItems integer No Specifies the number of items already processed from the job. Read only


The JobStatusCode is an enum and specifies the status of the job.

Value Description
CREATED Specifies that the job has been created
RUNNING Indicates that the job is currently running
CANCELLED Specifies that the job was cancelled
COMPLETED Specifies that the job has been completed

List Jobs

Sample Request [GET] /shipments/jobs

Sample Response [200] - OK

        "id": 1,
        "status": "CANCELLED",
        "lastUpdate": "2023-12-07T10:14:50Z",
        "created": "2023-12-05T11:58:20Z",
        "totalQueueItems": 1
        "id": 2,
        "status": "COMPLETED",
        "lastUpdate": "2023-12-07T10:21:42Z",
        "created": "2023-12-06T07:24:05Z",
        "totalQueueItems": 1,
        "processedQueueItems": 1

[GET] /shipments/jobs

Returns all available jobs.

Create Job

Sample Request [POST] /shipments/jobs

    "queueItems": [
            "id": 1
            "id": 2
   "executionTime": "2023-12-24T12:00:00Z"

Sample Response [201] - Created

    "id": 1,
    "status": "CREATED",
    "executionTime": "2023-12-24T12:00:00Z",
    "lastUpdate": "2023-12-11T12:24:14.9435367Z",
    "created": "2023-12-11T12:24:14.9435367Z",
    "queueItems": [
            "id": 1
            "id": 2
    "totalQueueItems": 2

[POST] /shipments/jobs

Creates a job.

Get Job

Sample Request [GET] /shipments/jobs/1

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "id": 1,
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "executionTime": "2023-12-20T15:04:05Z",
    "lastUpdate": "2023-12-11T12:24:18Z",
    "created": "2023-12-11T12:24:15Z",
    "queueItems": [
            "id": 2,
            "shipment": {
                "id": 1,
                "carrier": {
                    "carrierCode": "DHL"
                "reference": "ID-12345678",
                "status": {
                    "code": 201
            "created": "2023-12-07T11:00:15Z"
            "id": 3,
            "shipment": {
                "carrier": {
                    "carrierCode": "DHL"
                "status": {
                    "code": 400,
                    "error": {
                        "message": "Das ausgewählte Produkt konnte nicht gefunden werden"
            "created": "2023-12-10T12:06:23Z"
    "totalQueueItems": 2

[GET] /shipments/jobs/{jobId}

Shows details about a job.

Cancel Job

Sample Request [POST] /shipments/jobs/1/cancel

Sample Response [204] - No Content

[POST] /shipments/jobs/{jobId}/cancel

Cancels a job.


Use /user to retrieve data from a user.

User Models


Sample UserModel

    "email": "",
    "language": "DE",
    "balance": 149.1074,
    "address": {
        "company": "BWS",
        "firstName": "Dennis",
        "lastName": "W"
    "shipmentStats": {
        "total": 4,
        "currentYear": 4,
        "currentMonth": 4,
        "today": 1

Contains information about the user.

Field Type Required Description
email string No Mail address of the user
language LanguageCode No Specifies the preferred language
balance float No Balance of the user
address AddressModel No Includes the variables firstName and lastName
shipmentStats StatsModel No Statistics about the number of created shipments


The LanguageCode is an enum and specifies the preferred language

Value Description
EN English language
DE German language


Indicates statistical information

Field Type Required Description
total int No Total number
currentYear int No Total number of the year
currentMonth int No Total number of the month
today int No Total from today

Get User

Sample Request [GET] /user

Sample Response [200] - OK

    "email": "",
    "language": "DE",
    "balance": 149.1074,
    "address": {
        "firstName": "Dennis",
        "lastName": "W"
    "shipmentStats": {
        "total": 4,
        "currentYear": 4,
        "currentMonth": 4,
        "today": 1

[GET] /user

Returns information about the user.





Queue Items












